When the integrity of a door lock is compromised what comes to most people’s mind is changing the locks. Many are not aware of the process of rekeying a lock. While most people will opt to change the locks completely, rekeying is another viable option. Each of these processes have their pros and cons. Below is a detailed description of each and their pros and cons.

Rekeying: What it is?

Rekeying describes a process of adjusting the internal workings of a lock such that the old key no longer works for it. A new key would be used for the adjusted lock without compromising the lock integrity. This may sound simple, but it is not. It requires the skills of a professional locksmith. Rekeying is cost-effective as it makes use of the existing lock body.

In order to rekey a lock, the lock cylinder must be unmounted from the door and then the key pins must be rearranged or changed in order to fit with the new key. The new key must be in hand during the rekeying process and an understanding of the way key pins work is needed. Pin sizes are meant to match key depth. A key decoder is very useful for this process. Below are a few pros and cons of rekeying;


1. Cost effective:

This is the number one pro of rekeying over changing locks. When it comes to rekeying, the only thing that needs to be changed are the key pins, which are very inexpensive, particularly when compared to buying a completely new lock. Rekeying is the best option for homeowners who would like to change their home security but who wouldn’t want to spend too much on it. The only cost involved is the labor cost of having a locksmith over.

2. Quick and easy:

When handled by a professional, the process of rekeying can be quick and easy. It doesn’t require so much manpower or tools. All that is needed is a key decoder, a spanner, a catching tool and the new key that is to be used.


1. Inability to upgrade:

One con of rekeying is that it does not offer additional security to your home. Whatever brand of lock you had in place before the rekeying is the same you would have after the process is completed.

Changing the locks: What it is?

When it comes to changing a lock, the entire lock body is removed and replaced. This is more costly than rekeying as an entirely new lockset must be acquired. Before deciding on changing the locks you have to decide on what lock you would like as a replacement. Some of the factors that would influence your decision of a new lock include budget, preference, and features. Below are a few of the pros and cons of changing a lock;


1. Customization:

Replacing your locks gives you the room to customize your security the way you want it. You have the ability to change the way your lock looks and feel, as well as its function. You can decide to install longer screws or use additional security pins.

2. Ability to upgrade:

Changing your locks gives you the ability to upgrade your locks and your home security. It gives you the ability to change your security measures. You can decide to upgrade from traditional locks to smart locks by changing your locks, this can’t be done through rekeying.


1. Cost:

The major con of replacing lock is the cost. Changing locks requires you to buy new lockset as well as pay for the labor of having it installed with new keys.

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